Sunday, November 22, 2009

History & geography of Czech Republic

Describe roughly the history of the Czech Republic (and also Czechoslovakia).
Czech Republic lands was once unite with Slovakia and the Czech nation became one of the two component parts of the newly formed Czechoslovakian state. On March 1939, German troops occupied Czechoslovakia, and Czech Bohemia and Moravia became German protectorates for the duration of World War II. The former government returned in April 1945 when the war ended and the country's pre-1938 boundaries were restored. Elections was held in 1946 and Communists became the dominant political party and gained control of the Czechoslovakian. When the general elections of June 1992 failed to resolve the continuing coexistence of the two republics within the federation, Czech and Slovak political leaders agreed to separate their states into two fully independent nations. On Jan. 1, 1993, the Czechoslovakian federation was dissolved and two separate independent countries were established which is the present Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Taken from

How is the country divided / organized today?

The territory of the Czech Republic is divided into eight regions (oblasti). These comprise the capital city, Praha, and the regions of Stredni Cechy, Jihozapad, Severozapad, Severovychod, Jihovychod, Stredni Morava and Moravskoslezsko. There are also 14 higher territorial self-governing units (kraje).

Taken from

1 comment:

  1. haha well done. good job. keep it up. very informative. i like ((:

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