Thursday, November 19, 2009

Demographics and Culture in Czech Republic

What is the population of the Czech Republic?

-It is roughly 10 million people.Quite little eh? Info from

What are the major languages??

-They mostly speak Czech there,but some do speak German,Polish,Slovak and Romany.This is probably because people from neighboring countries decided to migrate to the Czech Republic.

Explain the government structure in the Czech Republic.

-The Czech Republic is a multi-party parliamentary representative democratic state.Based on the Constitution of the Czech Republic,the President is the head of state and the Prime Minister is the head of government.He holds a strong position as he holds alot of executive powers.
Info from

What are the main religions in the Czech Republic?

-The main religion there is Christianity,with the next majority being free-thinkers.The minorities are Roman Catholics,Protestants and Muslims.

Explain the education system in the Czech Republic.

School education:Age of entry:6.Age of exit:15.Primary education lasts for nine years divided into two stages of five and four years respectively.After the 4 years the students go to secondary schools.Secondary education comprises three main types of schools: secondary general schools (gymnasium), secondary technical schools and secondary vocational schools. Gymnasiums prepare for study at higher education institutions and for professions. The secondary technical schools and 4-year courses or three-year follow-up courses at secondary vocational schools prepare students for a wide range of professions, as well as for studies at higher education institutions.

Higher education:Higher education institutions can be of university and non-university type. the non-university higher education institutions usually offer Bachelor study programmes and, if accredited, master study programmes. They are not allowed to provide doctoral study programmes. University-type higher education institutions offer Bachelor, Master and in most case also Doctoral study programmes.igher education institutions offer courses in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Engineering, Medicine and Pharmacy, and Theology, as well as in Economics, Veterinary Medicine, and Agriculture, Teacher Training and Arts.

Describe the Czech Cuisine.

Czech cuisine has a huge emphasis on meat. Pork is quite common, and beef and chicken are also popular. Goose, duck, rabbit and wild game are served. Fish is rare, with the occasional exception of fresh trout, and carp, which is served at Christmas(Let's face it,the country is in the middle of the continent,so obviously sea creatures are gonna be scarce).Czech Cuisine has both influenced and been influenced by the cuisines of surrounding countries. Many of the fine cakes and pastries that are popular in eastern europe originated in the Czech lands.

What are some Czech festivals?

-41st Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.It's a film festival held annually in July in Carlsbad, Czech Republic. The Karlovy Vary Festival gained worldwide recognition over the past years and has become one of Europe's major film events.

What are some Czech folktales?

The key of gold by Josef Baudis.Not your common fairy tales, this collection is a mixture of morals, quirkiness, and sarcasm. In it one finds ironic derivatives (if not roots) of well known fairy tales such as “The Brave Little Taylor” and “Beauty and the Beast,” as well as some more unusual settings to impart the popular fairy tale themes of justice and happily ever after. Most stories are told with wry humor and often shocking irreverence for the expected fairy tale turn out. This is NOT a book for children, but one for adults who love fairy tales, and enjoy making fun of them.

Cheers :)